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Tag: media relations

Judy Campbell-Leverage Media-CBD-CBDToday

Leveraging the Media for Growth

When it comes to working with the media to create a strong brand, it’s essential to ask yourself “What is our brand?” While many...
Judy Campbell-Editorial Calendar-CBD-CBDToday

Plan for Success with an Editorial Calendar

Happy New Year! Are you ready to achieve PR success in 2020? While many companies engage in the year ahead planning process at the...
Judy Campbell-Connecting with the Media-CBD-CBDToday

The Dos and Don’ts of Connecting with the Media

You have news to share and you want help telling a great story, so who are you going to call? The media. We have shared...
Judy-Campbell-Consulting-What is PR-CBD-CBDToday

What Is PR and Why Do I Need It?

I am going to go out on a limb and guess that as a business owner, someone along the way has said you need...